Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of this plan?
Who is eligible to enroll?
What kind of disabilities are covered?
A. “Disability” or “Disabled” means that because of injury, sickness, or mental and nervous disorders, you are not engaged in any occupation or employment for wage or profit for which you are reasonably qualified by education, training, or experience, and:
- During the first 24 months of disablility, you cannot perform all of the material and substantial duties of your regular occupation; and
- After 24 months of disability, you are completely unable to perform the material and substantial duties of any occupation for which you are reasonably fit by education, training, and experience.
You must also be under the regular care of a physician.
Can I collect benefits for a work-related injury?
What are benefit offsets?
My doctor says I will not be able to work for six months. How do I start collecting disability benefits?
If I am out on disability, do I still have to pay my plan premiums?
What is the Elimination Period?
What is my Covered Salary Amount?
How are my monthly disability benefits calculated?
A. The benefit is 65% of your Covered Salary Amount.
For example:
Covered Salary Amount – $43,000.00
Multiply by 65% – $27,950.00
Divide by 12 – $2,329.17
Your Monthly Benefit Amount (before offsets) – $2,329.17
My salary has increased over time, but my Covered Salary Amount has stayed the same. Why?
A. After your initial enrollment in the Program, you must notify SAMBA of any increase in your salary. There are two reasons for this:
1) SAMBA has no way of knowing when your pay increases occur or how much your pay increases are, and
2) As there will be a change to your premium, you need to authorize the increase. Click here to access the Enrollment Center to make your change.
Do I have to fill out a Health Statement to increase my Covered Salary Amount?
A. You will not be required to complete a Health Statement if:
1) you apply within 90 days of the effective date of the salary increase; and
2) your Covered Salary Amount was equal to your Eligible Salary Amount immediately prior to the increase.
How can I cancel my coverage?
A. We need written documentation from you before we will cancel your coverage. If you pay your premium by payroll allotment, you need to complete Payroll Allotment Form 299 and write in the name of the plan you wish to cancel at box #6. Sign and date the form and mail it to:
11301 Old Georgetown Rd
Rockville, MD 20852
or fax it to SAMBA at 301-816-0191.
If you are billed other than through payroll allotment, write a short note requesting that the coverage be cancelled. You can e-mail us using the Contact Us website page. We will notify you once the coverage has been cancelled.
Available only to full-time active federal employees.

You are eligible to enroll if you are under age 62, are actively at work* as a permanent full-time employee of a federal agency, and reside in the U.S. at the time of enrollment.
*If your regular place of employment is your home or other residence, you would not be considered actively at work.

Monthly Benefit
The plan will pay up to 65% of your insured salary.
Survivor Benefit
If you die while collecting monthly benefits, a survivor benefit will be paid to your beneficiary.
Return to Work Incentive
Benefits continue if you return to work on a reduced schedule.
In-Hospital Benefit
For each day you or a covered family member is confined in a hospital, the plan pays a daily benefit.

Coverage is based on your salary.
– Biweekly premium
– Monthly premium

- Online Enrollment
- Enrollment and Change Coverage Forms
- Active Employees
- Retirees
Not eligible to enroll for coverage
- Beneficiary Designation Form