Summary of Benefits
Monthly Benefit
Your annual Covered Salary (amount of coverage you have) is divided by 12 to determine a monthly income amount; your benefits are 65% of this amount, minus any Benefit Offsets (explain).
Remember: As your salary increases, your coverage can increase. To keep your coverage amount current with your salary level, you must fill out an Enrollment/Update Form. Coverage increases do not require a health statement as long as you apply within 90 days of your salary increase and your coverage was equal to your salary amount immediately prior to your increase.
Survivor Benefit: In the event your untimely death occurs while you are receiving monthly income benefits, a benefit equal to 50% of the amount you were eligible to receive at the time of your death will be paid to your beneficiary. The benefit will continue to be paid to the earliest of the following events;
- The date on which we determine that your Long Term Disability benefits would have terminated if you had continued to live, e.g., due to a Long Term Disability benefit period limitation; or
- The date on which the Survivor Benefit has been paid for 10 years.
Return to Work Incentive: If you receive monthly income benefits for at least 30 days, and then return to work on a reduced work schedule, you may be eligible to be paid 35% of your monthly benefit up to 90 days or until you return to full-time work, whichever is earlier.
In-Hospital Benefit: For each day you or a covered family member is confined in a hospital, the plan pays a daily benefit equal to 70% of the daily Covered Salary Amount for you or your spouse, and 35% if your unmarried dependent child, less than age 22, is hospitalized.
Available only to full-time active federal employees.

You are eligible to enroll if you are under age 62, are actively at work* as a permanent full-time employee of a federal agency, and reside in the U.S. at the time of enrollment.
*If your regular place of employment is your home or other residence, you would not be considered actively at work.

Monthly Benefit
The plan will pay up to 65% of your insured salary.
Survivor Benefit
If you die while collecting monthly benefits, a survivor benefit will be paid to your beneficiary.
Return to Work Incentive
Benefits continue if you return to work on a reduced schedule.
In-Hospital Benefit
For each day you or a covered family member is confined in a hospital, the plan pays a daily benefit.

Coverage is based on your salary.
– Biweekly premium
– Monthly premium

- Online Enrollment
- Enrollment and Change Coverage Forms
- Active Employees
- Retirees
Not eligible to enroll for coverage
- Beneficiary Designation Form